The in-game UI mockup has been in development for nearly a month now and was modified dozens of times before reaching a satisfying functional state.
Underlair is not a simplistic dungeon crawler and doesn't feature side-stepping-dancing combat mechanics as the main tactics to defeat foes. Combat is built over a strategy formula, infused with several RPG elements. This results in a heavier and more informative UI, where critical information needs to stay permanently visible for easy access and management.
Below is an image containing some details of each UI element. This simple image consumed a whole week to work. Mostly because it forced me to rethink some mechanics and also because got a BSOD right when saving the file, resulting in the loss of 6 hours of work; punching the desk and screaming at the screen was also featured.
I will now begin the arduous task of making the UI functioning in Unity. The mockup image will be cut into several elements and I still need to study some implementation aspects of it. I'm not sure how long this will take. I'll try to post at least once per week from now onwards, that is, if time and development permit me to have something useful to add.