
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Two additional entries - Co-op | Rebirth Stones

I keep getting questioned about how co-op will work in Underlair, and rightly so. Therefore, I finally added an entry in the encyclopedia that describes how it works. I also describe how players can circumvent permadeath using Rebirth sones.

The co-op entry can be found here.
The Rebirth stones entry is here.

The Archrebel project is coming along just fine and has been renamed to Archrebel Tactics. I will open a blog for it somewhere during this next week. If you are following me on Twitter, you will see some short videos this weekend, showcasing its development.

Stay safe!


  1. My cat spilled water on my computer and fried it so I'm a bit out of the loop.

    I checked out Archrebel on Twitter and it's progressing nicely!
    It looks like there's also line of sight, right?

  2. Oh, sorry to hear about that. Yes, there is line of sight. I'm currently working on Archrebel's blogger to reveal more information about it.
