Following some feedback exchange with one of the enthusiastic supporters of Underlair, under the alias of 'shoTgun', I've restructured the psycrum pool into, what I believe to be, a better approach for representing the levels of psycrym (mana) of each psycrum pool available.
The dark spheres are psycrum pools that haven't been unlocked yet, while the colored ones are unlocked pools. The large dented "sphere" or general psycrum pool, indicates the psycrum available in the character's body, which is the combined score of all unlocked psycrum pools.
The general psycrum pool, is also the representation of the psycrum available for executing actions requiring no affiliated psycrum, these are called neutral psycrum actions. For example, executing a power attack with a melee weapon, will force the general psycrum pool to draw psycrum randomly from one of the 3 unlocked pools.
The general psycrum pool is always unlocked and available for executing neutral psycrum actions. In order for characters to access other psycrum pools, they will need to find NPCs that can provide the appropriate training.
"In the world of Underlair, most living creatures have psychic abilities, this includes wildlife, monsters, and even plants. All characters in the game (both PC and NPCS) are capable psycasters and can train any skill or ability. However, some may emphasize a physical approach instead of a psychic one."